#BlogTour: Irresponsible Adult by Lucy Dillon @lucy_dillon @HodderBooks @AlainnaGeorgiou #IrresponsibleAdults #LucyDillion #Uplit

Book Synopsis:

Sisters Cleo and Robyn may be close in age but their attitudes to life could not be further apart. While Cleo’s a fully-fledged adult with a family, a business and a signature scent, Robyn is still waiting for the instruction manual to Adult Life and success is keeping her houseplant alive. Skating by at her job as an estate agent, she’s adept at avoiding housework, ignoring admin, and evading her mother’s anxious questions about her love life. But then Robyn’s fired in the most publicly humiliating way imaginable – and her chaos catches up with her.

Although Cleo steps in to give Robyn a temporary job in her cleaning firm, it comes with very firm instructions: Robyn must BEHAVE RESPONSIBLY. And that includes meeting the high standards of Jim, her enigmatic supervisor. But when Robyn learns to navigate the catastrophic kitchens and judgemental dogs of total strangers she learns some unexpected truths about her own messy world. No one’s life is spotless…

My Review:

Irresponsible Adult is a fun, heartwarming read that I found hugely enjoyable.

The story follows two sisters Robyn and Cleo who couldn’t be more different from each other. While Cleo lives a fun life with a family and has a successful career, poor Robyn is just about getting by in her estate agents job. That is until she gets fired and has to try new things. It took me a while to warm to Robyn as I initially found her quite annoying and a bit too ditsy. However this opinion changed completely as the book continued and I found myself growing very fond of her indeed. She’s a very relatable character and I definitely saw a little bit of myself in her, especially her lack of admin skills which is something I’m not particularly good at. It was very interesting getting to know her and learning more about her difficult relationship with her family.

I thought this book had a great pace to it and I soon found myself drawn into the story , enjoying hanging out with the fabulous characters. There were some very funny moments which made me laugh out loud as well as some more emotional moments that made me tear up. I loved the cleaning tips sprinkled throughout the book (though I’m not sure I’ll be eating ketchup again) and the slowly growing collection of houseplants that made me chuckle. There were a few surprising twists which took me by surprise and I did like the way the book ended though it did seem a tad sudden. I’m actually wondering if the author is planning a sequel which would be great as I’d love to read more about Robyn.

Huge thanks to Alainna from Hodder for my copy of this book and for inviting me onto the blog tour.

About The Author:

Lucy Dillon grew up in Cumbria and read English at Cambridge, then read a lot of magazines as a press assistant in London, then read other people’s manuscripts as a junior fiction editor. She now lives in a village outside Hereford with a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, an English Otterhound and a Scottish Husband.

Lucy won the Romantic Novelists’ Association Contemporary Romantic Novel prize in 2015 for A HUNDRED PIECES OF ME, and the Romantic Novel of the Year Award in 2010 for LOST DOGS AND LONELY HEARTS.

You can find her on Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter at LucyDillonBooks. Beware, there are many photos of her dogs.

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